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Meeting June 13, 2022 |
Attendees |
Mike and Anna Beaudoin | Bernadette Polidoro | Valerie and Bob Muszynski | Mike Finch | David and Judith Mordasky | Edmund & Linda Swirzewski | Nancy and James Ravetto | Donald Dong | Kathy Cane | Kenneth Jezek | Judy Schold |
James Ravetto | Deborah George | Geraldine Wilkos | Brenda Simons | Jay and Patricia Goff | Raymond Michaud | Alana Mahdalik | Bob Charland | Michael and Martha Niewinski | Claude & Deborah Richard | |
Mark Price | Don & Arlene Dussault | Steven and Maria Goldman | John Savickas | Jennifer & John Traynor | Alana Mahdalik | Judy Schold | Donald and Julie Nichols | Cheryl Mawaka | Ben Phillips | |
Michael & Martha Niewinski | Sonia & Joe Criniti | Claude and Deborah Richard | David & Susan Pothier | Craig Ingalls | Laurel Magan, Trustee | Donna Vail | Gary & Dana Palmberg | Cindi Brassington | ||
Sun and Kim Wan | Kathy & Gary Bartholomew | John Giurarra | Ron and Gerri Wilkos | Nathan Rochette | Pat Fenton | Jayson St Jaques | Thomas & Diane Waterhouse | Gary Hartell | Mark Hewitt | Joanne Bagge | Katie & Marc O'Keefe | Jason & Dawn Whelan | Cristy Levasseur | Calie Philopena/Nick Suska | David & Patricia Raffauf | Andrew Loricco | Aaron Hoffman |
Meeting opened at 6:12pm by Aaron Hoffman, President. Hand-outs announcing July, 2022 Boat Parade, with Boating Regulations, made available to membership.
Motion to accept Minutes of August, 2021 meeting discussed. Misspelling of name and incomplete record of attendees noted. Motion amended with noted changes; then approved by vote of membership. Treasurers Report presented by Pat Raffauf. Motion to accept approved by vote of membership. Environmental Committee Report by Mark Price re: the lake’s milfoil problem. Presently 60 acres of the lake are affected by milfoil. This is an increase from last year, probably due to boat traffic, sunlight. We have a permit application pending with CT DEEP for the application of ProcellaCor, to deal with the milfoil problem. Similar application has already been allowed by CT DEEP for milfoil mitigation at New City Pond, to take place on 6/23/2022. Special guest introduced by Mark: Jon Gosselin, aquatic plant specialist from SePro, which is the company we are working with on milfoil mitigation. JG provided hand-outs to membership outlining his presentation. ProcellaCor is fast-acting, safe and effective for treating milfoil in a lake our size, compared with other methods. Only milfoil is affected, safe for other plants. Generally, one treatment is sufficient to abate milfoil. SePro has a 3 year guarantee: if milfoil comes back within 3 years, it will re-treat for free. In response to questions, JG describes the effect of ProcellaCor treatment: foliage breaks up, loses buoyancy and sinks to the bottom. Plants degrade completely after 4 weeks. Best treatment time is late May, early June. If anyone has further questions for JG, can relay through Aaron. Mark Price gave further information about our pending CT DEEP application: it was submitted in 11/2021, but denied by CT DEEP in 5/2022, on grounds that it needs another survey to determine if endangered weed is present in our lake. Mark has worked with SePro to provide DEEP with data stating Procell. will not affect said weed. DEEP’s delay is costing us, as we are missing our window of maximum treatment effectiveness this year, and meanwhile milfoil continues to spread. Mark asked for motion to allocate $7K from SLA funds for further survey; members discussed. Aaron will pursue matters with CT DEEP before funds for further survey are expended: what evidence does DEEP have that weed is present in our lake? What about proof that ProcellaCor. will affect weed? With this provision, Motion to allocate $7k towards survey made, seconded and approved by membership. Mark added that the Town of Stafford is concerned that SLA intends to contribute towards the cost of milfoil mitigation, and this vote proves that we will. Mark discussed the cost of the project. The initial estimate (last year) of $17K has increased to $50K this year, due to increase in milfoil present in the lake. Federal money is available; the Town decides how to allocate it. Tonight’s vote to devote $7k towards meeting DEEP requirements will be viewed favorably by Town; there is already support at Town for allocating funds for milfoil mitigation. Aaron reports that TTM has pledged $5K towards the project and SLA has received voluntary donations of $1500 to date from membership. No contribution from Town tax revenue is expected to be necessary. Homeowners are responsible to see that boats are cleaned/hosed down before put in the lake. Mark complemented Aaron for his “constant communication” with Town to get us as far as we have on milfoil mitigation. Boat Committee. Pat Fenton reviewed the date of Boat Parade: 7/2/2022, with 7/3/2022 rain date. Boats meet at Fenton’s dock at 2pm to begin the parade. Cash prizes: same as last year. Motion made to have dates moved to 7/3/2022, with 7/4/2022 as rain date: seconded and approved by membership. Nominating Committee. Website. We need a Web master to keep our site updated. Site still does not show our dues increase. Dues increased to $99/yr by email vote of membership on 11/2021. Val offered to work on updating the website until a replacement was found. Social Committee. July meeting will include a potluck dinner. August meeting will include ice cream social. Our group is too large to continue meeting at the Library. Other venues will be explored. Other days (other than Monday evening) will be considered for meeting dates in July/August. TBA. New Business: ● Paper roads (“trails”). Aaron produced maps showing trails on Town map: Fox Trail, Meadow Trail and Spring Trail. A town resident is currently using Fox Trail as a driveway. There is a question about ownership/liability in connection with use of trails: is SLA the owner? If so, can we sell Fox Trail to the homeowner currently using it and avoid responsibility for upkeep/ liability for not maintaining it? Motion made to allocate $500 for title search; not seconded or approved. Instead, Laurel offered to do initial research to determine ownership. ● Buoys (other than those installed by Town) are not allowed on the lake. Bubblers are dangerous (put up “Thin Ice” signs?) ● Signs in north and south coves advising boats to stay out, to avoid spread of milfoil. ● Reports of fireworks set off on the beach in the early hours of the morning. Aaron will pursue with Town: shut gate to prevent night use of beach? Old Business: ● Drawdowns: Aaron to pursue fall drawdowns of approx. 3.5 ft. to take place Columbus Day Weekend. Further drawdown (winter, to control weeds) will be contested by Town/TTM. Meeting adjourned at 8:03pm. |
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Current ConditionsClick the link below to check the current conditions at the lake. Now you can always be prepared. Weather Report | |