Meeting Notes

August 15, 2022


Bernadette Polidoro   Dawn Whalen   Dawn    Mark Hewitt   Jason Whalen   Jack Miller   Sheri Slike   Marc O’Keefe   Katie O’Keefe   Bob    Pat    John    Christine    Fran Kopec   Jeannette    Kathy Cane   Jeff    Mark Price   Aaron Hoffman   Donna Callahan   David Mordasky   Judith    Gary Bartholomew   Donna Vail   Ellen   Valerie    Bob    Ken Slater    Brenda    Cheryl Mawaka   David    Craig Ingalls    Stephanie Ingalls    Mike Beaudoin    John Traynor   Joanne Bagge    Joyce Arthur   Mark Dunn   Mike Finch   Eunice Clark   Scott Clark   Nancy Ravetto   Laurel Mangan

Meeting opened at 6:16 pm by Aaron Hoffman, President, after ice cream social.

Motion to accept Minutes of July, 2022 meeting made by Craig; nseconded by Bernie; then approved by vote of membership.
Treasurers Report presented by Aaron in Pat Raffauf’s absence: bank account totals = $13,601.69. Balance still due for this year’s lake survey = $3000. Motion to accept by Donna; seconded by Val; then approved by vote of membership.
Boat Committee report presented by Pat Fenton: Fourth of July, 2023 falls on Tuesday. Motion to have 2023 Boat Parade on Saturday, 7/1/2023, made by Pat; seconded by Craig, then approved by vote of membership.
Membership Committee report presented by Aaron in Dave Raffauf’s absence: membership at 75. There are 130 homes on lake, need to recruit more members so costs of lake maintenance can be more equitably shared among residents. Discussion regarding expanding membership to wider community; by-laws may limit? Reach out to Staffordville Beach Assoc members, who have access to lake? Put up “Join Staffordville Lake Association” sign with contact info? Membership Committee to research issues, including work on “Welcome Packet” for new residents of lake, with FAQs.
Nominating Committee report presented by John Giumarra. Current officers willing to serve another year; uncontested. John moved to nominate current officers to serve another term; Joyce seconded, motion approved by vote of membership.
Website: John Jorge has not yet assumed duties of webmaster. Thanks to Val for working on website updates in the interim.
Social Committee report presented by Joanne Bagge: Bernie thanked for her assistance with ice cream social. 7/23/2022 social gathering at Raffauf’s a success. Committee to consider further social gatherings outside regularly scheduled meetings.
Environment Committee report presented by Mark Price: Today’s milfoil abatement treatment seemed to go well.
Thanks to all those who served in this time-consuming endeavor, particularly John Traynor. Mark visited New City Pond and saw no obvious presence of milfoil following June, 2022 treatment there.
We will have SeCor re-assess in one month to determine effectiveness of today’s treatment. SeCor’s guarantee covers areas treated: north and south coves and shoreline; we shouldn’t expect total eradication of milfoil throughout lake.
Next year we will have to re-apply for continuing treatment, but process will be more streamlined. There is a requirement for a “before” and “after” survey, as endangered plant found in lake, and state will require showing that chemical treatment does not negatively impact this plant. SLA’s continuing involvement with CT Federation of Lakes important to keep abreast of issues. Education of members will be important to spread word on adverse impacts to continued lake health.
Mark encouraged members to volunteer for Committee; promises better communication to Committee members. Motion by Michael to allocate $6050 for next year’s anticipated Environment expenses ( $5800 for survey; $50 for CT Federation of Lakes dues and $200 for re-permit); seconded by Nancy, then approved by vote of membership.
Mark Price applauded for his efforts.
Old Business: ●
Paper roads (“trails”). Discussion re: selling Fox Trail to homeowner who has been maintaining it. Ken Slater, member and land use attorney, recommended title search to determine our/ others (Town’s) rights in trails, so conditions to sale can be properly identified in any contract for sale. Ken offered his services “pro bono.” Motion to accept his offer made by Nancy; seconded by Bernie, then approved by vote of membership. Matter tabled pending results of title search; Aaron may schedule a special meeting in October for resolution after he hears from Ken. ●
Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development/Staffordville Lake: tabled. ●
Moonlight Paddle: will take place as scheduled 8/19/22; shouldn’t affect recent milfoil treatment. Boats will be washed with bleach mist, which quickly evaporates; instructions are to wait 15 minutes after wash before launch. ●
Open forum: o Drawdowns: fall drawdown scheduled for week after Columbus Day; Aaron to follow up. Aaron to continue negotiating for winter drawdown to four feet (4’). Although it is not beneficial to have 4’ drawdown every year, we didn’t do it last year, so appropriate to ask for it this year.
Change tax status: tabled.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25pm following Motion by Nancy, seconded by Joanne.

Staffordville Lake Association has a wonderful, hard working Board of Directors this year and we are all looking forward to enjoying the beauty and benefits Staffordville Lake has to offer!
DIRECTORS Joanne Baggie, Donna Vail, Pat Fenton, and Mark Price