EVENTS AROUND THE LAKE- Come Join Us JULY 1 decorate your boat and join in the fun!
Independence Day Boat Parade has been a tradition since the 1960's. Families are encouraged to decorate their boat with the kids and your guests.
SLA has been hosting this annual event and awards prizes to the winning boats. All boats on Staffordville Lake are welcome to join in the fun.
This year we will be having the boat parade as normal. We will hand out prizes. Everyone is welcome to decorate their vessel and go around the lake at 2 PM as always. I'm sure everyone will be looking forward to something fun for a change. Our boats from last year and the smiles they all have.
We encourage every family on the lake to join and participate in events. Come meet new people or connect with an old friend. Your membership gives you access and input to the Association's activities and projects, and your dues support the cost of the water quality monitoring and lake management programs. Together we can keep "OUR" lake strong.
Staffordville Lake Association for NOW and generations to come.
Address : P.O. Box 155B
Staffordville, CT 06077
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