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Meeting NotesJune 12, 2023 Staffordville Lake Association MeetingJune 12, 2023Aaron Hoffman started the meeting at 6:07 p.m. The minutes from the August meeting were approved. We ok’ed the Zoom meeting that was held prior to this meeting being added to the minutes. 7/27 Amendment - The Zoom meeting was an unofficial meeting where members had a chance to ask questions pertaining to the upcoming vote to additionally fund the survey. A handful of members attended and the questions were answered and an online vote took place the next week which passed unanimously. The treasurers report was given by Pat Raffauf and approved. Mark Price talked about the Milfoil treatment that happened last year. All we paid for was the survey because of COVID money received to the town that paid $55,000 and the remaining $3,000 was paid by TTM. On June 12th, there was a check done by a certified Botanist from North East Aquatic Research on the lake with no sign of Milfoil. The endangered plant is fine. We approved an extra $150 for a permit so that we can have a permit to treat on record. There also was no sign that Mark Price saw at New City Pond. If anyone sees a sign of Milfoil, please call Mark Price. There are 30 native plants that are good for the lake, and they are all fine. The Boat Parade is happening on Saturday, July 1st with a rain date of Sunday, July 2nd. Prizes last year were $25 for first place and $10 for second place The membership committee put flyers for this meeting on every mailbox or in every door. We have a new Webmaster, SheriSlike. Any information that you would like on the website should go to her, her email is on the website. The Social Committee was going to have a Potluck at the July meeting, but it was felt that people didn’t come because they didn’t want to bring anything, so we will just provide water at the July meeting. The August meeting will still have the Ice Cream social. The Social Committee is meeting this month to discuss other options for Social events outside of the meetings. Jack Miller would like to have a party at some time during the summer. Steve and Kathy Geryk have offered for anyone who would like to watch the fireworks to come to their house at 116 Wales Road. We talked about how to raise money outside of the Corporation. We are looking for a task force to research having a separate entity, Friends of Staffordville Lake or establishing a 501C3. We asked for volunteers, Charles Callahan volunteered. (Amended 7/272/23 There is a Buoy Complaint in what is considered an “Unsafe Area”. There can be a $100/day fine for buoys. No Buoy can be put up by an individual, only by the town. After much discussion, Dave Mordasky has offered to sp Aaron has had a sign made to urge people to sign up to be a member of the Staffordville Lake Association. A few designs will be made and we will have the opportunity to vote online for our choice. Signs will be available at the July meeting for $10. We had a discussion about what is our year for the Association, as of now it is January through December. A motion was made and passed to change our year to June 1 through May 31. A motion was made and passed to make sure that we have 50% of the seats on an Exploratory Committee to have a public canoe and kayak launch on the lake. The town needs to make sure that they are only Stafford residents and that the boats are clean before entering the water. There was no public comment Meeting was adjourned at 8:27 pm |